Asus races ahead, rockin' Jelly Bean 4.2 on TF300

Asus not only proved to be the possible the most formidable Nexus tablet maker, bringing the 7in. form factor to the fore-front of the market.  It seems like they have beat the manufacturers to yet another impressive feat:  Bringing 4.2, Jelly Bean Android goodness to their fanbase using the Asus Transformer Pad TF300.  Congratulations Asus! That is the way it is supposed to be!  Being responsive to your customers will push you further ahead in the marketplace.  Now if we could get you to build a superphone with Nexus goodness and unmatched specs, you might threaten Samsung's position as the Android king of ultra high-end phones.

Who do you think is next in the upgrade race?  Join the conversation.  Follow us on Twitter @maestroalvarez


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