T-Mobile iPhone? - What does that mean for Android?

PCWorld is reporting that T-Mobile might be getting the iPhone.  This could provide countless benefits in terms of market reach for T-Mobile.  Too, consumers that are unhappy with the AT&T coverage and reception problems on their iPhones will now have a way out of AT&T's grip (assuming their contracts are up).  The iPhone, like many other Apple products has gained much market share from RIM and other devices due to their popularity.  But what about Android?

The most popular phones on the market today, most running the Android Operating System have really been getting alot of positive attention, especially given the negative repercussions of the "antennagate" headache Apple has had to deal with.  If truth holds that Apple will start a venture with T-Mobile, Apple's decision could be a game changer in the competition of the iPhone, given that the only big issue plaguing the iPhone is the reception, which is blamed, in part, on AT&T's network for lack-luster coverage.  Android devices are bringing about innovations at the speed of light and with more choices on the Android market, there's no reason for Android's sales to slow dramatically, though one must admit that the iPhones possible introduction to T-Mobile will definitely catch many people's eyes.  We'd put our money on the phone unlocking business.  If the deal goes thru with Apple and T-Mobile, there's going to be an unlocking frenzy amongst iPhone fans.

At the end it is the consumer that makes the choice.  So iPhone users, will you switch to T-Mobile if the Apple deal goes through?  Android users, will you switch to Apples iPhone if it comes to T-Mobile?  Leave your comments below.

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  1. No, I would never switch my MyTouch Slide for an Iphone. The only Apple product I use is my iTouch, I would never use an iPhone. It's all about Android.

  2. Thanks for your comment Chris. I definitely see a value in sticking to the Android. Open is better. It's kind of like taking a step in the wrong direction on T-Mobile's part, given that T-Mobile has shown it's willing to move towards OpenSource. The business model has been working. Why change it, unless Apple is willing to give in to openness, which I doubt. Keep checking in and giving us your input!


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