BlackBerry Stock More Expensive than Nokia Stock? Wha???

Yes.  BlackBerry Stock is going for more than Nokia.  While Nokia's Market Cap is $27.34 Billion, BlackBerry still has some cash to play with at $4.88 Billion.

So, after reaching the depths of $7.26/share, why is BlackBerry's stock rallying?  Well, part of the reason is the Defense Departments very loud continued support of the ongoing use of BlackBerry to effectuate official government business.  But that is not all.  BlackBerry has an operating system called QNX which puts BlackBerry effectively at the forefront of the connected car market, which by the way, Google is itching to take away.  In fact this technology has become the go-to tech for entertainment systems in Ford cars up to luxury brands like, Porche and you will see this tech in your favorite "Beamers" (BMW) too.
(Credit: GoogleFinance)

They may not be too hot in the smartphone or tablet markets. That's Apple and Samsung. However, BlackBerry's Chen is determined to increase the company's relevance and dominate wherever it sees opportunities to.  The next big race, according to some experts is the race to connect cars.  BlackBerry says it's their time to shine and that it's, in Chen's own words, "...back in execution mode..."

We'll keep following BlackBerry to report on their progress and comeback.

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